Packaging : 30 ml


Tonic & Malt

Cyproheptadine & Vitamin B-Complex

Becomplex with Cyproheptadine drop

Cyproheptadine Drop

Cyproheptadine D-Panthenol Drop

Each 15 ml. contains :
Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride     I.P.   
eq. to Anhydrous Cyproheptadine  Hcl        2 mg.
Vitamin B1                                    I.P.       2.5 mg.
Vitamin B2                                    I.P.       2.5 mg.
Vitamin B6                                    I.P.    0.75 mg.
Niacinamide                                  I.P.    22.5 mg.
D-Panthenol                                 I.P.       2.5 mg.

DOSAGE : One tablespoonful twice a day.
