HONEYKOF, Ayurvedic Cough Syrup, Honey, Tulsi, Vasaka, Ardusi, Mulithi, Kantkari, Ayurvedic cough syrup, Herbal Cough syrup, Cough syrup with Honey, T
Packaging : 100 ml


Honeykof Ayurvedic Cough Syrup is a sure shot solution for all types of coughs. Formulated using tulsi, ginger and honey, the cough syrup has major benefits on cold, bronchitis, influenza and asthma. It directly affects respiratory system, cleaning the mucus from bronchial tube. The syrup is recommended for both children and adults as it is non- sedative.

Each 10 ml contains :

Honey (Madh)                                 50 mg

Extract of :

Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum)              300 mg

Ardusi (Adhatoda vasaca)            200 mg

Ark (Akdo)(Calotropis Prosera)      50 mg

Kantkari (Panchang)                       50 mg

Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza Glabera)        50 mg

Sunth (Zingiber Officinale)             50 mg

Ela (Elettaria Cardamomum)          10 mg

Taj(Stem bark)                                 10 mg

TamalPatra (Leave)                         10 mg

Key Ingredients : The main herbal ingredients in the syrup are as follows:

  • Honey: Infection in the upper respiratory system cause night time cough. Honey in the syrup directly affects the respiratory system and reduces irritation and frequency of cough.


  • Tulsi: Catarrhal matter and phlegm in the bronchial tube directly affects the respiratory system. Tulsi have medicinal benefits that clean the bronchial tube.
  • Ginger: The pungent warming action of ginger eliminates the main cause of cough that is mucus in lungs. It cleanses and treats respiratory system with soothing effect on sore throats.


The ayurvedic cough syrup has major benefits on bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough and cold. The herbs extracts used in the syrup are useful in reducing almost all types of coughs. It cleanses and heals respiratory systems by removing mucus from bronchial tube.


·         Bronchitis

  • Asthma

  • Influenza

  • Cough

  • Cold

  • Dry cough

  • Productive cough

  • Cough due to allergy

  • Cough due to pollution

  • Tuberculosis Cough

  • Smokers Cough

  • Cough in Geriatric people

·         Respiratory system disorder

Purpose : The ayurvedic syrup from Honeykof has beneficial values for cough, cold, bronchitis, influenza and asthma.

·         For all age group

  • 100% ayurvedic cough syrup

  • Non-sedative cough syrup

  • No side effects

  • Work as an anticold when mixed with Luke warm water

Dosage Children below 3 years : 1/2 to 1 teaspoon 2-3times a day Children from 3 to 12 years : 1-tablespoon 3-4 times a day Adults : 2-tablespoon 3-4 times a day
